Saturday 27 May 2017


A purpose driven life is one that is centered on God’s wise and loving principles.
As we proceed on life journey, we all want to get to our various destinations and fulfill our destiny. However, good intentions and wishes, though admirable, are not enough. We all need God’s wisdom and empowerment. His wisdom comes from His Word and His power comes from His Spirit.
What wisdom do we need from God as we journey through the murky waters of life?
Let's consider the following twelve biblical principles of personal progress:
1. Paradigm
A paradigm is the mental perspective or frame of reference we use to interpret reality. A synonym for paradigm is worldview which is both descriptive (how things are) and proscriptive (how things should be). God is the supreme realist and we are realistic only insofar as we see things from His point of view.
The Bible is the blueprint of reality—it helps us, in some limited measure, to see as God sees. Our paradigm determines how we answer the four basic questions of human existence:
Where did I come from?
Who am I?
What am I here for? And…
Where am I going?
Our mental paradigms affect, not only the way we think, but also the way in which we feel (attitude) and behave (actions). The most important component of our worldview is our under
standing of the nature and character of God.
Our understanding of God depends on whether we allow God to define Himself—in the Bible or whether we try and remake Him in our image—as a figment of our imagination.
2. Proactive
A proactive person is one who is willing and able to take initiative and assume personal responsibility; he would rather act than be acted upon. He lives his life by design and not by default. A proactive person makes things happen rather than allowing things happen to him.
Proactivity is the key to being a victor rather than a victim. The opposite of being proactive is being reactive. Proactive people don’t play the blame game because they take personal responsibility. This is a key characteristic for leaders. They are willing to take initiative as they move toward a vision of a better tomorrow. It has been said that there are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who don’t know what’s happening. A proactive person makes things happen.
3. Purpose
People who make meaningful progress are those who have discovered God’s purpose for their lives, that is, they live purpose-driven lives. They invest their lives in time for eternity. Purpose-driven people realize that their lives were made by God and for God, therefore, they are committed to knowing, loving and doing His will. Knowing God’s purpose will help to reduce stress, focus energy, clarify decision making, add meaning to life and most importantly, help prepare us for eternity. A purpose-driven person has a blueprint for living—the Holy Scripture, which contains distilled wisdom on the essence of what life is all about. “Only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
4. Principles
Someone once said, “Methods are many, principles are few. Methods often change, principles never do.” Successful people are those who base their lives on the wise and loving principles of God’s Word (2 Tim. 3:16, 17).
God said, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Josh. 1: 8).
Those who live by biblical principles, base their life on a character ethic as the foundation of success—such principles as integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty and the golden rule. The character ethic teaches that there are certain principles of effective living and people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn to integrate them into their daily living.
Those who live by biblical principles have adopted a character-based definition of success. Success is when those who know you the best, love, trust and respect you the most. It is only possible to measure up to this definition of success by living a life of the highest moral integrity.
5. Plan
If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. If you don’t have a tar
get, you will hit it every time. Successful people not only have a worthy life purpose with an end in view, they also have a plan or an effective strategy to get them where they want to go. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Most people don’t plan to fail but many people fail to plan.                      A successful person realizes that a few minutes in planning can save hours in execution.
Successful people learn to think strategically. They identify and focus on what is most important. They have learned not only proper values but also proper priorities. The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least. Such people are not controlled by the tyranny of the urgent but by what is important but not urgent. In short, they are committed to doing God’s will in God’s way for God’s glory. Nothing significant is achieved without a workable plan. God says that if we lack wisdom, we should ask Him and He will give it to us(James 1:5).
6. Potential
This involves the idea that we can and should grow and develop our God-given abilities. We are all capable of being and doing more. Our greatest limitation is our unwillingness to try and do more. We don’t lack potential; we lack ambition, motivation and commitment. According to the Gospel, we were created for greatness; we are destined to become like Jesus (1John 3:2).
If we make an effort to live up to our potential, there’s no telling what God can do in and through us (Philippians 4: 13). One thing is for sure, without Him we can do nothing of any eternal consequence (Jn. 15:5).
Developing our potential involves character and relational development as well as developing our knowledge, natural talents and spiritual gifts. What are you doing to develop your God-given potential?
7. Passion
We become passionate about those things that are important to us and the things to which we are committed and involved. A God-given vision evokes passion; there is no such thing as a passionless vision. A clear, focused vision of what God wants us to do and be allow us to experience ahead of time the emotions associated with our anticipated future. Vision is always accompanied by strong emotion and the clearer the vision, the stronger the emotion.
Passion, in turn, helps provide motivation. The writer of Hebrews said that, “For the joy that went before Him, he endured the cross, despised the shame and is seated at the right hand of God.” Christ’s passionate vision and purpose enabled him to endure the wrath of God on our behalf. What are you passionate about? Are you passionate about knowing, loving and serving God?
8. Power
Before Jesus ascended into heaven He promised His disciples power (Acts 1:8). Paul said God has not given us “a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Tim. 1:7). God not only gives us the knowledge and the desire to please Him; He also gives us the power to do it. Paul says that God is at work in his people to will and do His good will. This power is experienced when we let God’s Word dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16), and when we submit ourselves to the control of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18). God’s Word in conjunction with God’s Spirit is the key to experiencing God’s power in our lives (2 Tim. 1:7). God’s power is given to us for the purpose of accomplishing His purpose. We cannot do God’s will, God’s way in our own strength, but we can with His strength (Phil. 4:13).
9. Persistence
Part of the good news of the Gospel is that God gives us the grace to “keep on keeping on.” He who began a good work in us will continue to perform it until Christ returns (Phil. 1:6).
Very often we become too easily discouraged. A setback only turns into a failure if we allow ourselves to become discouraged and give up. Here is a wise resolve: “When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.” Anyone can start well but an important measure of our character is how well we finish.
Consider this “Code of Persistence”:
Never give up as long as you are right.
Believe that all things will work for your good if you love and obey God.
Be courteous and undismayed even when the odds are against you.
Don’t permit anyone to deter you from your God-given goals.
Fight to overcome handicaps, hurdles, barriers and setbacks.
Try again and again until you accomplish your God-given goals.
Realize that other successful people had to fight defeat and adversity, also
Never surrender to discouragement or despair no matter what the obstacles.
10. Prayer
We must never underestimate the potential and power of God-directed prayer. Prayer brings about more things than this world can imagine. Fervent heartfelt prayer can move the hand of God. In prayer we learn to share our whole lives with God and relate everything to Him. Prayer is not so much trying to convince God to do our will but rather seeking His will and then asking that we could be part of the answer to our prayers. Prayer is important but it is never a substitute for obedience.
Just as it is important to have a balanced diet of food, so it is important to have a balanced prayer life. Instead of just selfishly asking God for things, we should praise God for who He is and thank Him for what He does. We should express adoration in song, confess our sins and not forget to thank God for answered prayer. We should pray for others as well as ourselves.
11. Pattern
For better or worse, we are all creatures of habit. We establish either healthy or unhealthy patterns of living and relating. To establish a habit we need to align our knowledge, skill and desire in the same direction. Knowledge tells us what to do. Skill tells us how to do it and desire gives us the motivation to want to do it. In order to establish good habits we initially need to be able to subordinate fluctuating feelings to God’s wise and loving principles. We must be willing to subordinate what we want now for what we want later. This process of developing healthy habits produces long term success and happiness. Happiness can be defined in part as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want in the future. In order to establish good habits, we need to see the long-term consequences of our thoughts, attitudes and actions. The pattern for our lives is found in the person and example of Jesus Christ.
12. Promises
God can do anything, but what can we realistically expect Him to do? We can expect Him to always keep His Word. Specifically, we can expect God to keep His promises. Peter says in 2 Peter 1:4, God “has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
There is a familiar Christian song called, “Standing on the Promises.” In the 2nd stanza, we read these words: “Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail, by the living Word of God I shall prevail, standing on the promises of God…”
The promises of God have always been the bedrock of the Christian faith. As we trust and obey God’s promises we become more conformed to Jesus Christ. What could be more important, exciting or successful than becoming more conformed to the character and conduct of Christ? (Rom. 8:28-9)

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Do you know what draws people to you? What are the qualities you have that draws others to you? Extraordinary leaders have this one quality. It is a quality we all have the potential to develop and it has the power to step us up for outstanding success. We can boil and distill it down to one word: Charisma.

Charisma as a subject is ignorantly detested, mostly in religious circle. The explanation is that it is associated with pride. Far from it! Two definitions I cherish so much about charisma are: "The ability to inspire followers with devotion and enthusiasm." The other one is, "A divinely confered power or talent."

Everyone of us has certain abilities that can increase the charisma of our personality. You don't have to make a strained effort to become something that is not comfortable with your basic nature. However, if your desire is to become "man of the people," then you need to develop an appealing personality that causes others to respond to you. I have personally decided to be very concerned about my dressing because that's the first thing people notice about you.

We can learn so much if we consider the word CHARISMA as an acronym:

C- Concern

H- Help

A- Action

R- Results

I- Influence

S- Sensitivity

M- Motivation

A- Affirmation

Don't be too excited yet. It is important I mention here that the above traits are not simply inborn. However, they are attainable by anyone who cares about other people and wants to develop his or her relational skills.

Let's consider each of the traits carefully:

•Concern: This is the ability to show care.

Charismatic people have the ability to show concern for other people's deepest needs and interests. That does not mean you can push them around. It means they exercise empathy.

During any event, you'll find two categories of people: those who possess an attitude of "Here I am!" and those who possess an attitude of "There you are!" it doesn't take much time to notice that people flock to the "There you are!" people.

Jesus had great concern for people during His earthly ministry. He was highly compassionate in His dealing with the public. He was a "There you are!" person. That's one reason the multitude always followed Him everywhere He went. Jesus went, saw, felt and cared. That's the secret of His success. It's only when we go and expose ourselves to various situations that we will see enough to develop the concern necessary to move us to action.

It is difficult to become motivated to help people without first seeing and feeling their needs. The secret is to spend time with them. It is only when you go and see will you feel and do.

•Help: This is the ability to reach out.

‎Simply put, charismatic people are helpers. They are out to see others profit; they have the gift of grace. In fact, the Greek word of gift is "charisma" meaning "gift of grace."

Romans 12:6 says, "And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them accordingly." Ephesians 4:11-12 also supports this: "He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ."

People have problems. Many are like the discouraged and depressed man who, in desperation, went to a psychiatrist for help. He told the doctor, "Every time I get my act together, the curtain falls down." He needed help. Truth is, if you have the ability to solve problems, you'll be guaranteed to have followers.

What can you do to help people solve their problems.

First, encourage them to face their problems. Too often people would rather flee them, fight them, or forget them.

Second, encourage them to solve their problems. Use the following acronym to teach yourself to help people with difficulties.

T- Tell them it takes time

E- Expose yourself to their problems

A- Assure them of your confidence in them

C- Creatively show how to deal with it

H- Offer them hope through the process.

•Action: The ability to make things happen
Something exciting always seems to be happening around a person with charisma. The charismatic person has an aversion to being boring. He or she may be controversial, unusual, or entertaining, but never boring. Be honest with yourself and evaluate how you come across to others. During a church service, a young member turned to his mother and said, "Pay the man and let's go home!" That preacher obviously lacked charisma.

When the foremost evangelist John Wesley was asked why people seemed to be drawn to him, he answered, "We'll, you see, when you set yourself on fire, people just love to come and see you burn."

Do you want to increase your interest with people? Develop your creativity and confidence. Creativity is the ability to say things in an unusual way; confidence is the ability to do things in an unusual way. Charismatic people can do both.

As a speaker and a pastor, I always want to be fresh and exciting in my presentation. I will use humour to drive home a point but never to distract from the truth. Long after the content of the message is forgotten, people will remember the creative illustration and the truth that was emphasized.

•Results: The ability to produce
Charismatic people want to be on the winning side of life. People like being around winners and want to play on the winning team. A boy playing chess with his grandfather says, "Oh no! Not again! Grandpa, you always win!"

Grandpa says, "What do you want me to do, lose on purpose? You won't learn anything if I do that!" But the boy replies, "I don't wanna learn anything, I just wanna win!"

Charismatic people do not just want to win, they want others to win too. That creates productivity. That brings us to the question: how does a person becomes productive? Find out the area of your strength and find someone who needs it. Charismatic people use their strength to help other people who need it; they are people-centred. The person who is self-centred uses his strength to dominate others.

•Influence: The ability to lead
Leadership is influence. If something new, exciting, and interesting is happening in your life, you will want to share it. In doing so, you will influence others and they will want to follow your lead. What happens to you, speaks of your circumstances. What happens in you, speaks of your character. And what happens through you, speaks of your charisma.

Do you want to learn how to be a positive influence on others? Five factors come into play:

*Who I am - My position or title
*Where I am - My position or job
*Who I know - My sphere of influence. People open doors of opportunity
*What I know - My expertise. This will keep you in a position long after who you know wears off.
*What I do - My production, character and credibility.

•Sensitivity - The ability to feel and respond
Charismatic people have the ability to feel and respond to changing situations. They are adept at taking advantage of the mood, feeling, and spirit of any situation. Most people have the ability to feel something, but they aren't sure how to react to it or express it. Charismatic people not only feel it, but they know how to react and express it.

Charismatic people find a cause; that's discernment. They also voice a concern; that's courage. And they draw crowd; automatic.

If you're to become sensitive, you must be willing to take a risk. People who are overly sensitive to the point that their feelings are always hurt will withdraw from others and never take a risk. But the charismatic person will risk getting out of comfort zone in order to make others feel comfortable.

•Motivation - The ability to give hope.
The secret of motivating others is providing them with hope. People tend to feel more positive when they are following charismatic leaders. Let's look at some Bible characters who offered hope:

*Isaiah, speaking of God, said, "I will do something new"(Isaiah 43:19).
*Jeremiah talked about " law in their hearts"(Jeremiah 31:33).
*Jesus spoke about being born again(John 3:3).
*Paul called the Christian experience "a new creation"(2Corinthians 5:17).
*John's vision recorded in Revelation spoke of a new heaven and a new earth(Revelation 21:1)

Each of these dynamic leaders constantly waved hope before their people.

Do you convey hope or despair to those around you? Learn affirmation skills, problem-solving techniques, ways to verbally encourage others, and convey belief and support in others.

•Affirmation - The ability to build up
Charles Schwab, the successful businessman, said, "I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism."

Everyone wants and needs to be affirmed for his accomplishments. A little boy playing darts with his father said, "Let's play darts. I will throw and say, "Wonderful!"

We tend to become what the most important person in our life thinks we will become. Think the best, believe the best, and express the best in others. Your affirmation will not only make you more attractive to them, but you will help play an important part in their personal development.

How do we affirm others? First, we need to feel good about ourselves. Then we can verbally and actively believe in others and expect them to respond positively. People are our own appreciable asset. As Christians, we cannot afford not to affirm them. If I fail to affirm a brother, we both lose.

Again, charisma is a trait or quality in our life that can be developed. It is not reserved for those who are extroverts and enjoy being in front of others. The potential to be charismatic lies within each of us, but first we must remove hindrances from the development of this important personality characteristic.

The following are some possible obstructions to being a charismatic leader:

*Pride: A proud person will have the tendency to look down on other people, feeling a sense of superiority. People will not follow or identify with a snobbish personality who is conscious of status and position.

*Insecurity: Insecure people are not willing to take risk. They prefer to remain comfortable and probably, unexciting.

*Moodiness: This is an immature quality which is detrimental to personal relationships. Moody people are fickle; they cannot be depended on. Confidence cannot be built upon a person who is subject to sullenness.

*Perfectionism: Perfectionism is an obsessive need to perform faultlessly. It stifles creativity and freedom, and it turns people away. Perfectionists can rarely affirm themselves; therefore, it's very difficult for them to affirm others.

*Over Sensitivity: Oversensitive people are constantly licking their wounds. They look inward and are not aware of the needs of others. Naturally, people don't flock around them.

*Negativism: This is the opposite of charisma. A person with a constant negative attitude is depressing to be around. Their personality says no to life in general. Others will avoid a person like that. There is no possibility of being a charismatic leader when no one wants to be around you.

Finally, charisma is a trait or quality in our life that can be developed. That potential lies within each of us.

Sunday 4 December 2016


School of Professional Mentoring and Capacity Building(SPMCB) - Profile

•Who We Are
School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building(SPMCB) is a subsidiary of Professional Mentors & Capacity Builders Ltd.(PMCB). The company is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, with a registration number RC 1285005.
SPMCB was established as a training, mentoring, recruitment, and consulting company in Nigeria. We provide training support base for pensioners, about retiring, start-ups, Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in the manufacturing, financial, hospitality, agriculture, construction, marine, oil and gas, and other sectors. We also train and mentor professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, architects, etc. to become better entrepreneurs.

With our consulting arm managed by a team of competent and qualified entrepreneurs, we have expanded our range of of services to cover business development consulting, transformational/change management training, emotional intelligence training, and other soft skills training to companies within and outside Port Harcourt.
Our key team of consultants have many years of cognitive experience in management, sales, business development, finance and corporate restructuring.

•Our Vision
Our vision is to change the corporate landscape by "Spread Joy, Growth & Excellence in shifting Humanity & Business to leading a fulfilled life." That brings about our slogan, "...we fix life's puzzles."

•Our Mission
*To empower organisations, particularly the people in them who are about to retire.
*To empower businesses achieve their optimum potential capabilities and performance.
*To operate responsibly with integrity and the fear of God.

•Our In-House Training
Many forward thinking organisations are engaging the right training to envision, design, and facilitate bespoke strategy for their senior leaders, managers, and team at different levels to ensure that the business is able to function at improved levels of strategic alignment, skill, ability, knowledge and perspective to enable it achieve its set objectives.

SPMCB works with organisations to design, and deliver bespoke in-house programmes including strategic retreats that deliver value, offer a return on investment(ROI) and create a significant impact on the business bottom line. Our capability range from designing one day meetings, multi-day executive level and management retreats, sales meetings, strategy workouts, team building programmes as well as two(2)- or three(3)- day programmes addressing specific learning needs. This could include enhancing leadership competence, improving customer service skills or strengthens organisational culture values.

These programmes are ideal for the entire company, senior management teams, marketing operations, and strategy or HR teams and more. The programmes are in most cases far more cost effective than nominating a few employees on an open training course.

•Our Faculty
Our faculty has acquired a varied background in industry and our extensive facilitative experience enables us achieve outputs which are strategic enough to provide directional and tactical enough to leave the sessions with specific deliverables and assignments which they can execute almost immediately.

We ensure everyone can reflect as a team or individually and think through longer term growth strategies and tactics for their areas of business, function or role. Using a variety of tools, we help groups to collectively attack issues which may be slowing down their progress and effectiveness, be it teamwork, performance or creativity and innovation issues.

We provide facilitation and handle all logistics so your participants can focus on the outcomes they want to achieve at the programme.
•Our Mentoring Programme
Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger, but have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn.

Mentorship experience and relationship structure affect the "amount of psychosocial support, career guidance, role modeling, and communication that occurs in the mentoring relationships in which the protégés and mentors engaged."
The person in receipt of mentorship may be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), an apprentice or, in recent years, a mentee.

"Mentoring" is a process that always involves communication and is relationship based, but its precise definition is elusive, with more than 50 definitions currently in use. One definition of the many that have been proposed, is:
Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé)"

Have you ever wondered how some of the top entrepreneurs got to where they are today – making tens of thousands of dollars a month and sometimes even more? They're strong on the basic entrepreneurial skills such as negotiation and marketing.
There’s a reason for that, and it’s one that rarely gets mentioned by so-called business trainers.
All successful entrepreneurs have great mentors in relevant areas of their careers.

That’s right, having a mentor or coach can be the indispensable catalyst you need to break through the sales barrier and start achieving results, fast. These are just a few ways a mentor can fast-track your marketing success:

#1. EXPERIENCE: A mentor has already experienced numerous successes and failures, so they can pass all their juicy knowledge on to you in far less time. They take you through the path they've travelled before and show you how to learn the ropes.

#2. MOTIVATION: Sometimes, it can be hard to stay motivated when you’re working alone. Having a mentor can help you stay on track and set realistic goals. Motivation is like taking your bath every day. Once you stop, you stink. A mentor helps you stay motivated all the time.

#3. SAVED TIME: When you’re just starting out, making easy mistakes is all too common. A mentor will notice these before they happen and save you countless weeks and months of time you would have otherwise wasted. Time is your most valuable asset, don't waste it.

#4. CONNECTIONS: If you show commitment and dedication as a mentee, your mentor will subsequently introduce you to other high-flying and prosperous entrepreneurs and contacts with strong skills. That alone would save you time of painful years marketing and networking.

#5. GUIDANCE: With so many different ways to make money online and offline, it can be hard to decide on a profitable direction to follow in your business career.
A mentor can help you realize your skills and passions, and guide you down the best path for you.
Did you know you’re 500% more likely to make money easily if you have a mentor, than if you decide to go as  a lone-ranger?
And when you look at it that way, why WOULDN’T you have a mentor?
With School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building(SPMCB), you get TWO mentors free for 3 months if you register for our upcoming training.
That’s some incredible value you can save.

.Our Regular Training Programmes
Course Outline
»Business Etiquette Courses
»Communication Skills Courses
»Creativity & Thinking Courses
»Cross-Cultural Courses
»Customer Service Training Courses
»Diversity Training Courses
»Human Resources Courses
»Management & Leadership Courses
»Negotiation Training courses
»Presentation Skills Courses
»Productivity Courses
Sales Training Courses
»Writing Courses
»Branding Courses

Diversity Training Courses
»The Role of HR in Diversity Training
»Negative Impact of Diversity Training
»Training in workplace Diversity
»Business Diversity Training
»What is the Advantage for a Business to have Diversity Training for its Employees?
»Effective Diversity Training
»How should Diversity Training be implemented?
»How to Build a Diversity Training Program in your Organization
»Developing an Effective Employee Training Program
»Cultural and Diversity Training

Business Etiquette Courses
»Business Etiquette
»Etiquette and Social Media
»Basic workplace Etiquette
»New-Hire Etiquette
»E-mail Etiquette
»Etiquette for Technical people
»Corporate Concierge
»Professional Protocol
»Etiquette for Retail Employees
»Business Networking

Communication Skills Courses
»Communication Skills
»Introductory Communication Skills
»Technical Communications
»Communication for Managers Training
»Communication Skills for Admins
»Dealing with Difficult People
»Empathy Skills
»Listening Skills
»Assertiveness Skills
»Positive Attitude
Anger Management
»Team Building
»Virtual Team Communication Training
»Strengths Finder
»Emotional Intelligence
»Trusted Adviser

Creativity and Thinking Courses
»Critical Thinking
»Decision Making
»Collaboration Skills
»Strategic Planning
»Creativity Training
»Critical Thinking Training
»Innovation Training
»Team Creativity Training

Cross-Cultural Courses
»Cultural Intelligence
»Cross-Cultural Communication
»International Etiquette

Customer Service Training Courses
»Customer Service
»Service Refresher
»Customer Communication
»Customer Interactions
»Dealing with Difficult Customers
»Telephone Service
»Receptionist Skills
»Call Center
»Live Support and Chat
»Help Desk
»Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
»Healthcare Customer Service
Hospitality and Guest Services
»Retail Customer Service
Public Sector Customer Service
»Client Service
Coaching for Service
»Leading Customer Service

Human Resources Courses
»Interviewing Skills Training
»Orientation Design Training
»Harassment Prevention Training
»Change Management Training

Management and Leadership Courses
»Skills for New Supervisor
»Supervision Skills
Coaching Skills
»Employee Feedback
»Employee Motivation
»Difficult Employee
»Team leadership

Negotiation Training Courses
»Negotiation Skills
»Sales Negotiation
»Influencing Skills
»Conflict Resolution
»Advanced Conflict Resolution

Writing Courses
»Business Writing
»Advanced Writing Skills
»Technical Writing
»Editing and Proofreading
»Punctuation usage
»E-mail Etiquette
»Report Writing

Productivity Courses
»Productivity and Time Management
»Time Management
»Delegation Skills
»Organizational Skills
»Efficiency and Organization
»Skills for Administrative Assistants
»Stress Management
»Meeting Management
»Minute Taking
»Project Management
»Work-Life Balance

Sales Training Courses
»Introductory Sales
»Advanced Sales
»Comprehensive Sales
»Sales Prospecting
»Telephone Sales
»Trade Show Sales
»Relationship Selling

Branding Courses
»What is Branding?
»How to Define Your Brand
»Brand Marketing
»Brand Beyond Marketing
»Personal Branding
»Internal Branding
»Importance of Logo in Branding Strategy
»Elements of Naming a Brand
»Water-Tight Slogan

To Your Success,

The Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building Team


School of Professional Mentoring and Capacity Building(SPMCB) - Profile

•Who We Are
School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building(SPMCB) is a subsidiary of Professional Mentors & Capacity Builders Ltd.(PMCB). The company is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission, with a registration number RC 1285005.
SPMCB was established as a training, mentoring, recruitment, and consulting company in Nigeria. We provide training support base for pensioners, about retiring, start-ups, Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) in the manufacturing, financial, hospitality, agriculture, construction, marine, oil and gas, and other sectors. We also train and mentor professionals such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, architects, etc. to become better entrepreneurs.

With our consulting arm managed by a team of competent and qualified entrepreneurs, we have expanded our range of of services to cover business development consulting, transformational/change management training, emotional intelligence training, and other soft skills training to companies within and outside Port Harcourt.
Our key team of consultants have many years of cognitive experience in management, sales, business development, finance and corporate restructuring.

•Our Vision
Our vision is to change the corporate landscape by "Spread Joy, Growth & Excellence in shifting Humanity & Business to leading a fulfilled life." That brings about our slogan, "...we fix life's puzzles."

•Our Mission
*To empower organisations, particularly the people in them who are about to retire.
*To empower businesses achieve their optimum potential capabilities and performance.
*To operate responsibly with integrity and the fear of God.

•Our In-House Training
Many forward thinking organisations are engaging the right training to envision, design, and facilitate bespoke strategy for their senior leaders, managers, and team at different levels to ensure that the business is able to function at improved levels of strategic alignment, skill, ability, knowledge and perspective to enable it achieve its set objectives.

SPMCB works with organisations to design, and deliver bespoke in-house programmes including strategic retreats that deliver value, offer a return on investment(ROI) and create a significant impact on the business bottom line. Our capability range from designing one day meetings, multi-day executive level and management retreats, sales meetings, strategy workouts, team building programmes as well as two(2)- or three(3)- day programmes addressing specific learning needs. This could include enhancing leadership competence, improving customer service skills or strengthens organisational culture values.

These programmes are ideal for the entire company, senior management teams, marketing operations, and strategy or HR teams and more. The programmes are in most cases far more cost effective than nominating a few employees on an open training course.

•Our Faculty
Our faculty has acquired a varied background in industry and our extensive facilitative experience enables us achieve outputs which are strategic enough to provide directional and tactical enough to leave the sessions with specific deliverables and assignments which they can execute almost immediately.

We ensure everyone can reflect as a team or individually and think through longer term growth strategies and tactics for their areas of business, function or role. Using a variety of tools, we help groups to collectively attack issues which may be slowing down their progress and effectiveness, be it teamwork, performance or creativity and innovation issues.

We provide facilitation and handle all logistics so your participants can focus on the outcomes they want to achieve at the programme.
•Our Mentoring Programme
Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger, but have a certain area of expertise. It is a learning and development partnership between someone with vast experience and someone who wants to learn.

Mentorship experience and relationship structure affect the "amount of psychosocial support, career guidance, role modeling, and communication that occurs in the mentoring relationships in which the protégés and mentors engaged."
The person in receipt of mentorship may be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), an apprentice or, in recent years, a mentee.

"Mentoring" is a process that always involves communication and is relationship based, but its precise definition is elusive, with more than 50 definitions currently in use. One definition of the many that have been proposed, is:
Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé)"

Have you ever wondered how some of the top entrepreneurs got to where they are today – making tens of thousands of dollars a month and sometimes even more? They're strong on the basic entrepreneurial skills such as negotiation and marketing.
There’s a reason for that, and it’s one that rarely gets mentioned by so-called business trainers.
All successful entrepreneurs have great mentors in relevant areas of their careers.

That’s right, having a mentor or coach can be the indispensable catalyst you need to break through the sales barrier and start achieving results, fast. These are just a few ways a mentor can fast-track your marketing success:

#1. EXPERIENCE: A mentor has already experienced numerous successes and failures, so they can pass all their juicy knowledge on to you in far less time. They take you through the path they've travelled before and show you how to learn the ropes.

#2. MOTIVATION: Sometimes, it can be hard to stay motivated when you’re working alone. Having a mentor can help you stay on track and set realistic goals. Motivation is like taking your bath every day. Once you stop, you stink. A mentor helps you stay motivated all the time.

#3. SAVED TIME: When you’re just starting out, making easy mistakes is all too common. A mentor will notice these before they happen and save you countless weeks and months of time you would have otherwise wasted. Time is your most valuable asset, don't waste it.

#4. CONNECTIONS: If you show commitment and dedication as a mentee, your mentor will subsequently introduce you to other high-flying and prosperous entrepreneurs and contacts with strong skills. That alone would save you time of painful years marketing and networking.

#5. GUIDANCE: With so many different ways to make money online and offline, it can be hard to decide on a profitable direction to follow in your business career.
A mentor can help you realize your skills and passions, and guide you down the best path for you.
Did you know you’re 500% more likely to make money easily if you have a mentor, than if you decide to go as  a lone-ranger?
And when you look at it that way, why WOULDN’T you have a mentor?
With School of Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building(SPMCB), you get TWO mentors free for 3 months if you register for our upcoming training.
That’s some incredible value you can save.

.Our Regular Training Programmes
Course Outline
»Business Etiquette Courses
»Communication Skills Courses
»Creativity & Thinking Courses
»Cross-Cultural Courses
»Customer Service Training Courses
»Diversity Training Courses
»Human Resources Courses
»Management & Leadership Courses
»Negotiation Training courses
»Presentation Skills Courses
»Productivity Courses
Sales Training Courses
»Writing Courses
»Branding Courses

Diversity Training Courses
»The Role of HR in Diversity Training
»Negative Impact of Diversity Training
»Training in workplace Diversity
»Business Diversity Training
»What is the Advantage for a Business to have Diversity Training for its Employees?
»Effective Diversity Training
»How should Diversity Training be implemented?
»How to Build a Diversity Training Program in your Organization
»Developing an Effective Employee Training Program
»Cultural and Diversity Training

Business Etiquette Courses
»Business Etiquette
»Etiquette and Social Media
»Basic workplace Etiquette
»New-Hire Etiquette
»E-mail Etiquette
»Etiquette for Technical people
»Corporate Concierge
»Professional Protocol
»Etiquette for Retail Employees
»Business Networking

Communication Skills Courses
»Communication Skills
»Introductory Communication Skills
»Technical Communications
»Communication for Managers Training
»Communication Skills for Admins
»Dealing with Difficult People
»Empathy Skills
»Listening Skills
»Assertiveness Skills
»Positive Attitude
Anger Management
»Team Building
»Virtual Team Communication Training
»Strengths Finder
»Emotional Intelligence
»Trusted Adviser

Creativity and Thinking Courses
»Critical Thinking
»Decision Making
»Collaboration Skills
»Strategic Planning
»Creativity Training
»Critical Thinking Training
»Innovation Training
»Team Creativity Training

Cross-Cultural Courses
»Cultural Intelligence
»Cross-Cultural Communication
»International Etiquette

Customer Service Training Courses
»Customer Service
»Service Refresher
»Customer Communication
»Customer Interactions
»Dealing with Difficult Customers
»Telephone Service
»Receptionist Skills
»Call Center
»Live Support and Chat
»Help Desk
»Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
»Healthcare Customer Service
Hospitality and Guest Services
»Retail Customer Service
Public Sector Customer Service
»Client Service
Coaching for Service
»Leading Customer Service

Human Resources Courses
»Interviewing Skills Training
»Orientation Design Training
»Harassment Prevention Training
»Change Management Training

Management and Leadership Courses
»Skills for New Supervisor
»Supervision Skills
Coaching Skills
»Employee Feedback
»Employee Motivation
»Difficult Employee
»Team leadership

Negotiation Training Courses
»Negotiation Skills
»Sales Negotiation
»Influencing Skills
»Conflict Resolution
»Advanced Conflict Resolution

Writing Courses
»Business Writing
»Advanced Writing Skills
»Technical Writing
»Editing and Proofreading
»Punctuation usage
»E-mail Etiquette
»Report Writing

Productivity Courses
»Productivity and Time Management
»Time Management
»Delegation Skills
»Organizational Skills
»Efficiency and Organization
»Skills for Administrative Assistants
»Stress Management
»Meeting Management
»Minute Taking
»Project Management
»Work-Life Balance

Sales Training Courses
»Introductory Sales
»Advanced Sales
»Comprehensive Sales
»Sales Prospecting
»Telephone Sales
»Trade Show Sales
»Relationship Selling

Branding Courses
»What is Branding?
»How to Define Your Brand
»Brand Marketing
»Brand Beyond Marketing
»Personal Branding
»Internal Branding
»Importance of Logo in Branding Strategy
»Elements of Naming a Brand
»Water-Tight Slogan

To Your Success,

The Professional Mentoring & Capacity Building Team

Saturday 3 December 2016


As part of his plans to 'make America great again', newly-elected president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, has constituted a Strategic and Policy Forum, with a Nigerian as a member of this group.

The man identified as Adebayo Ogunlesi, is among the group consisting of America's highly successful and revered business leaders, and will be meeting with Trump on a regular basis to share their knowledge and experience on how to move the country forward.
Stephen A. Schwarzman, the Chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Blackstone is expected to chair the committee, while other members of the committee will be responsible for providing individual views on how the government policy impacts economic growth, job creation and productivity.

After constituting the forum, Trump said: "This forum brings together CEOs and business leaders who know what it takes to create jobs and drive economic growth.
"My administration is committed to drawing on private sector expertise and cutting the government red tape that is holding back our businesses from hiring, innovating, and expanding right here in America."

The musketeers are expected to meet with the president-elect in the first week of February.
Check out a full list of members that constitute the forum:

*Stephen A. Schwarzman (Forum Chairman), Chairman, CEO, and Co-Founder of Blackstone;

*Paul Atkins, CEO, Patomak Global Partners, LLC, Former Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission;

*Mary Barra, Chairman and CEO, General Motors;

*Toby Cosgrove, CEO, Cleveland Clinic;

*Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co;

*Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO, BlackRock;

*Bob Iger, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company;

*Rich Lesser, President and CEO, Boston Consulting Group;

*Doug McMillon, President and CEO, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.;

*Jim McNerney, Former Chairman, President, and CEO, Boeing;

*Adebayo “Bayo” Ogunlesi, Chairman and Managing Partner, Global Infrastructure Partners;

*Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President, and CEO, IBM;

*Kevin Warsh, Shepard Family Distinguished Visiting Fellow in Economics, Hoover Institute, Former Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;

*Mark Weinberger, Global Chairman and CEO, EY;

*Jack Welch, Former Chairman and CEO, General Electric;
Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer Prize-winner, Vice Chairman of IHS Markit.

Friday 2 December 2016


Did you know that the Fish called The Electric Eel was actually named Electrophorus electricus. The fish is commonly found in the Amazon and generally in Fresh Waters. In the narration of a documentary, Electric Eels are mostly blind although they are not born blind. To me they are such beautiful creatures and I was wondering how come they are blind? I then read about them and came to understand that these animals have three pairs of abdominal organs that produce electricity as a form of defensive mechanism against predators. Whenever the animal is under attack, it activates an electric field of up to 860 Volts (that is nearly 4 times the 220V electricity supplied to our homes) to electrocute its attacker.

The Eel also requires rising to the surface of the water every 10 minutes in order to take in Oxygen before going back under the water. Due to this routine, the fish has developed a mindset that it is vulnerable to attack due to constant coming up to breathe and hence it is always on a ‘suspicion mission’ – It is always and constantly electrocuting its environment even when it is not under attack. The sad effect is that in the course of continuous electrocution of its environment its eyes are also electrocuted and hence its blindness.
But then as I watched this animal swimming around blind and only using its sense of feel and ears, and been unable to see, it goes into more suspicion and every movement it feels in the waters, it releases further electric shock worsening his plight – The animal thus goes into a cyclic paranoia and self infliction of pain causing it to be more blind irreversibly.

You see such is the situation in some people’s life. They suspect everybody and everything. They are always on a mindset of ‘someone is doing me’, ‘something evil is coming to happen to me’, ‘someone is planning to harm me’, etc. By having this kind of mental picture such people release shock waves that electrocutes whoever comes near them. Friends who mean well, are branded enemies, parents are considered evil, siblings are suspected of hatching evil plots, work colleagues are branded enemies, etc. When people go into such self-destruct mode, all they think about is themselves and not the feelings of others. The desire to protect ones self end up in hurting others.
Let us all strive to cultivate a positive attitude of love. Let brotherly love continue. In other words, treat each other in a brotherly manner. Think and reflect about these things.

To your ultimate success,

Happy James


The Power of Confidence

When you have confidence, you'll believe in yourself.
When you believe in yourself, you'll have less fear and you'll achieve more. Confidence makes you go after your goals and empowers you to succeed.

That's true because when you believe in yourself, ‎you'll attract people who believe in you and they'll ‎help you succeed. When this happens, you'll have even more confidence and achieve even more than you expect.

So aim to be more confident. With confidence you can do just about anything. Start having more confidence today.

When you're more confident you'll also make the right choices. When you're not confident, when you don't believe in yourself; you'll struggle, fail and make the wrong choices.

Confidence is not something you were born with. Confidence is something you develop over time. It is about how you see yourself and
what you think of yourself.

If you focus on all that is wrong with you and what you cannot do or cannot achieve, you'll never have any confidence.

If you constantly 'beat yourself up,' thinking you're not good enough, not capable of achieving anything or not able to do what you want, then you end up creating a negative self-image. You'll eventually develop a lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

That negative thought pattern that creates the
low self-confidence is not something you were born with. It's a thought-process that you developed,
a thought-process doesn't allow you to enjoy high
self-confidence and get what you want.

Now You can change or eliminate that negative thinking pattern and you can have more confidence

Start by changing the way you see yourself. Focus on the things you're able to do and the things that you do well. Think of the past successes you've had, no
matter how small, and use those past successes as
building blocks to a new level of success. Think regularly about the qualities you like in yourself and work toward improving those that you don't.

Create affirmations that make you more confident.
I know this can be very tricky at first. However, you can give it a shot by declaring the right statements. But start by focusing on the qualities you like about yourself, then create affirmations that reflect the qualities you want to develop.

You can have Greater Confidence in all areas of your life. Yes, you can!
It doesn't matter whether you have doubts about yourself or you feel you just don't have the right dose of confidence.

You can still have the confidence that drives you to succeed. When you have a high self-esteem and greater confidence, you'll excel in all areas of your life.

This kind of confidence is something that you develop. However, you increase your level confidence by feeding your mind and subconscious mind with positive statements about yourself and about your ability. Don't forget, you're what God says you're; not what people say you are.

When you do that, you stop thinking about all that's wrong with you and why you can't succeed. You also attract the people who will support you and believe in you. This will enable you make the right choices.

This in turn creates greater confidence and
before you know it, you start believing in yourself in a greater dimension.
That's when things start changing in your favour and that's when you begin enjoying greater success.
So, start building and increasing your confidence level today by seeing yourself as an express image of God.